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Coal Industry
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Coal Industry

KRS equipment has many applications in the coal industry.

 Ø  Our high speed rail car loadout system is used extensively in the coal industry. We have 200+ units 

        operating on coal applications worldwide with over 50 units in China

 Ø  Our Bivitec screen is used for dry fine coal screening cut-points down to 3mm. We have approx. 250 

         units operating on coal applications worldwide with approx. 100 units in China

 Ø  Our TBS Hydrosizer is used for fine coal (1.5mm x 0.15mm) separation. We have approx. 100 units 

         operating on coal applications in China

 Ø  Our X-ray Sorter is used for dry coal separation. We currently have one unit successfully operating on 

        an 80mm x 25mm coal application in China. This is new technology. We are currently finalizing plans 

        for many additional units on coal applications




Address:Room 50630, Building 1, No.2, Nanzhugan Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing

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